The Murdoch family, particularly James Murdoch and "his very liberal wife, Kathryn," both of whom hold high-ranking positions at Fox, are liberal globalists who aim to make Fox News more left-wing.[20][21][22] Even Rupert Murdoch (and Fox News) opposed Donald Trump during the 2016 GOP...
Dominion also has pending defamation lawsuits related to false claims about the 2020 election against Newsmax Media, One America News Network, Overstock founder Patrick Byrne, My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, attorney Sidney Powell and others. Stephen Shackelford, a lawye...
founderMike Lindelland others who helped spread the false theory. Dominion also sued the right-leaning news networks that repeatedly featured the theory in their coverage — two insurgent, pro-Trump channels, Newsmax and One America News Network, and the nation’s most-watched cable news ...
Scott brushes off any potential threat to the network’s dominance, noting there was a stretch this summer when Fox News was beating the broadcast networks. “There was this moment, where there was some blood in the water, where some Newsmax shows were putting up comparable numbers to some ...
Additional examples on Fox News include Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Karl Rove, and Rush Limbaugh, who viciously savaged Todd Akin for making a pro-life statement that pregnancy from rape is rare. The Fox News Channel gave Karl Rove a platform to raise money against pro-life Republican ...
pro-Trump alternative inNewsmax—sources confirmed that long-time digital editors and reporters, some of whom had been with Fox for a decade or more, were among those laid off. (Additionally, onMonday morning, Fox News senior vice president and D.C. managing editor Bill Sammon, who is in ...