Fox News is known for its beautiful and intelligent female anchors and reporters who deliver the news with poise and grace. While their professionalism and expertise are commendable, there’s no denying that some of these women are also considered the hottest in the industry. Here is the ranking...
List of notable or famous Fox News Channel employees, listed alphabetically with photos when available. This list is a directory of the best Fox News Channel ...
"I have never been instructed on the length of my skirt or the color of my lipstick," says Fox News anchor Sandra Smith.
Local and breaking news reports from around North Texas by the FOX 4 News team with additional reporting on Texas, the United States and around the world.
"They will need to find some way to make the problems go away and keep O'Reilly there because he's such a cash cow," Feldstein added. "Ailes invented the formula, and as long they follow that formula, they'll keep making money, though they don't ...
When “Outnumbered” launches on Fox News Channel today at noon, viewers may tune in solely to see whether argument erupts along gender lines created by the program’s eyebrow-raising central conceit of four female anchors and one male guest holding forth on the issues of ...
details of the case. henry's former co-anchor, sandra smith, announced the firing on the air. fox said she'll continue in her role with rotating co-anchors until a full-time replacement is hired. henry, a former white house correspondent for fox, was only recently elevated to the...
Fox News Anchors Admit Going Soft On PalinAshley Killough CNN
Only minutes after the news of Carlson’s departure, rival CNN announced the exit of one of its best-known anchors, Don Lemon. “CNN and Don have parted ways,” the company said. Lemon said he was “stunned”. “After 17 years at CNN I would have thought that someone in management ...
“I think the situation was run abysmally. I think they failed to put out adequate information, obviously. In 10 minutes, there were a lot of people who did not get the word as to how this was going to run,” said GOP voter Dr. John Alexander. ...