Fox News "Tucker Carlson Tonight": 针对亚裔的犯罪层出不穷,犯罪分子大多数是黑人。但是媒体只会告诉你是川普支持者仇恨亚裔。"An Inconvenient Minority: The Attack on Asian American Excellence and the Fight for Meritocracy"的作者Kenny Xu说:亚裔正在面临政治危机。他们所听到的跟所见到的是两码事。一方面他们...
Fox News "Tucker Carlson Tonight": 在过去的14个月,你听到的关于乌克兰战争的两件事是这样的:第一件是乌克兰战争属于保家卫国,而不是超级势力打的代理战争,俄罗斯入侵了乌克兰,美国支持乌克兰就是支持民主,美国没有直接打俄罗斯。第二件是乌克兰在战争中占得上风,乌克兰战士们勇敢高尚,俄罗斯军队邪恶无能,乌克兰...
Fox News has ousted Tucker Carlson less than a week after settling a lawsuit over the network’s 2020 election reporting. The network has said in a press release Monday that the popular and controversial prime-time host's last program aired on Friday. Ca
In 2022, advertisers spent around $77.5 million on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” compared with $67.6 million in 2021 — representing a jump of approximately 14.7%. In contrast, “Hannity” captured nearly $50.4 million in 2022, while “The Ingraham Angle” lured about $53.7 million. Fox News ...
福克斯内部高层也称Tucker Carlson是一个“艺人”,而并非“主播” Tucker Carlson在美国有线电视网络中待了25年时间,他在2009年加入Fox News之前,先后在CNN和MSNBC工作过。2016年11月Tucker Carlson在Fox News拥有一档属于自己的节目Tucker Carlson Tonight,起初在晚间7点档播出,后由于Megan Kelly的工作变动和Bill O'...
Fox News host Tucker Carlson and the media company have "agreed to part ways," Fox said in a statement Monday.
Well, it’s obvious. We’re clearly moving toward some kind of larger confrontation with Russia. Why are we doing that, and what would it look like? This article is adapted from Tucker Carlson's opening commentary on the April 16, 2021 edition of "Tucker Carlson Tonight"...
A wild day in cable news that saw Fox News unceremoniously jettison Tucker Carlson and CNN similarly defenestrate Don Lemon was, unsurprisingly, picked over on late-night television Monday night.On NBC’s Late Night, host Seth Meyers dedicated his “A Closer Look” segment to Carlson’s ouster...
Adapted from Tucker Carlson's monologue from "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on June 8, 2020. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM TUCKER CARLSON Sponsored Stories You May Like Recommended by Related Topics Best of Opinion Get the recap of top opinion commentary and original content ...
Fox News "Tucker Carlson Tonight": FBI之前搜查了枕头哥Mike Lindell并拿走了他的手机之后,左派律师,哈佛大学法学院退休教授Alan Dershowitz站出来做Mike Lindell的代理律师。Alan Dershowitz说:我的一些左派朋友很高兴看到FBI整Mike Lindell,他们对我的做法很不理解。但其实我是站在宪法原则一边的,在宪法原则上没有左...