Customs and Border Protection as of this week is encountering an average of 565 unaccompanied migrant children per day, Fox News has confirmed, a stark increase from the number it encountered as recently as last month and earlier under the Trump administ
Despite the increasing volatility of the situation, Fox News anchors have continued to downplay the attack. On Tuesday, the network’s top-rated host Tucker Carlson classified the ongoing conflict as a mere “border dispute” and questioned why Americans felt “a patriotic duty to hate Vladimir ...
Border patrol has done a great job. We built 220 miles of wall. It’s going up very rapidly. We should be doing about 10 miles a week now. And we’re going to have … it will be completed very soon. But...
10. Fear-mongering on the border Heading into the midterm elections, Fox News was thetop perpetrator in fear-mongeringabout the reportedmigrant caravanwinding its way through Mexico to the U.S. border, apattern of coverage by FOX that has continuedas the situation along the borderdevolved into...
“the border situation is officially a disaster” two months into the new administration and “the lives of actual americans mean nothing to the people making these decisions,” who “certainly don’t care about the country they're supposed to be in charge of.” taking aim at alexandra ...
419. border 420. bos 421. both 422. bottom 423. box 424. break 425. breaking 426. brief 427. bring 428. brokered 429. build 430. busy 431. but 432. by 433. ca 434. cabinet 435. call 436. campaign 437. campaigner 438. campaigning 439. can 440. candidate 441. capacity 442. capit...
These shows all took place in the evening after the networks daytime news hours had completed. The evening shows are where cable really separates itself from broadcast news. The shows selected on CNN were Anderson Cooper 360° and The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. On Fox News Hannity and ...
The news about Prison Break's Season Three7. At the end of Prison Break's Season Two, ___.A. the brothers were in a safer situation than beforeB. the fans had their good intentions satisfiedC. the brothers were ready for their road tripD. Michael was put into prison again8. Who is...
CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP The White House has not yet characterized the border situation as a "crisis." "I don't think I'm going to put new labels on it from here or from the podium, but it is a priority of the administration. It's a priority of our secretary o...
On Friday, 2,900 migrants were apprehended along the 56-mile McAllen border sector. An additional 300 migrants were known "got aways." We have no idea how many other human- and drug-traffickers took advantage of the situation and illegally entered undetected. The Senate delegation also visited...