Each week, John and Callahan will turn to viewers’ leads and information as they analyze some of the nation’s most gripping cases, ranging from horrific murders and deadly drug rings to devastating teenage overdoses and more. In addition, they will consult with a team of experts representing...
Verizon's FiOS, and DirecTV; over the Internet on popular websites such as YouTube, iTunes, and Hulu; via podcasts; by online video streaming through services such as Netflix; and through DVD purchases and rentals.87 None of this would have been imaginable at the time Pacifica was decide...
Catch up on all returning shows with On Demand, FOX NOW and Hulu. Episodes are available to watch On Demand for customers of AT&T TV, Cox, DIRECTV, DISH, Spectrum, Sling TV, Verizon FiOS, XFINITY, YouTube TV and many more. Fans also can stream episodes on FOX NOW and Hul...
In Washington, Doug Rohrbeck has been elevated to Senior Vice President of D.C. News, effective immediately and will manage the network’s editorial coverage emanating out of the nation’s capital and continue overseeing programs includingSpecial Report w/ Bret BaierandFox News Sunday w/ Chris W...