Fox in socks. 诺克斯在盒子里。狐狸在袜子里。 Knox on fox in socks in box. 诺克斯在穿袜子的狐狸上面,穿袜子的狐狸在盒子里面。 Socks on Knox and Knox in box. 袜子穿在诺克斯脚上,诺克... 评分☆☆☆ [点击 查看音频 视频 ] Fox socks box Knox 狐狸 袜子 盒子 诺克斯 Knox in box. Fox ...
小学英文绘本阅读- 动物故事:【难】Hattie and the Fox(pdf 版) 星级: 31 页 小学英文绘本阅读- 动物故事:【中】Maisy Goes Camping(pdf 版) 星级: 26 页 小学英文绘本阅读- 动物故事:【中】click clack moo crows that type(pdf 版) 星级: 16 页 小学英文绘本阅读- 动物故事:【中】The Very...
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Fox in Socks"This Fox is a tricky fox。 He'll try to get your tongue in trouble。" Dr。 Seuss gives fair warning to anyone brave enough to read along with the Fox in Socks, who likes to play tongue-twisting games with his friend Mr。 Knox。 "Here's an easy game to play。 Here...
原来,苏斯博士运用了极富韵律的语言,将故事变成了绕口令,锻炼小朋友说话的能力。 英文原版 Fox in Socks 苏斯博士-穿袜子的狐狸 廖彩杏书单 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 英文原版 Fox in Socks 苏斯博士-穿袜子的狐狸 廖彩杏书单 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 ...
Fox in Socks 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 Fox in Socks 电子书 图书目录 下载链接在页面底部 下载链接1 下载链接2 下载链接3 facebook linkedin mastodon messenger pinterest reddit telegram twitter viber vkontakte whatsapp 复制链接 想要找书就要到 本本书屋 立刻按 ctrl...
穿袜子的狐狸Fox in Socks.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 发布的内容,审核通不过,既使要看材料的质量,也要看是否有人已经发布了 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:aldshendong 审核时间:2019-05-25 审核编号:6121225002002033 ...
You know, Foxes live in holes for a reason. 狐狸居洞穴是有历史原因的 Hm, yes, I know. 嗯我知道 What’re you wearing? 你穿的那啥? Why a cape with the pants tucked into your socks? 干嘛披着块布又把裤角掖进袜子里? I guess he’s just 我看他大概 ...
He has now added a white cape to his ensemble and is in the middle of brushing his teeth. There is toothpaste all over his mouth. Fox looks puzzled. FOX What're you wearing? Why a cape with the pants tucked into your socks? Ash scowls. He spits toothpaste onto the floor and goes ...