故事起源于农村美国。一只名叫陶德的小狐狸的母亲被猎人杀害, 小狐狸被一名老妇人收养。 有一天,陶德看到小铜很快成为朋友。它们一同玩耍嬉闹,过着无忧无虑的生活。但是当它们渐渐长大,也知道彼此是天敌的命运,它们的友谊渐渐出现危机。陶德在一次意外中不小心...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1tlQLw18jI&list=PLc4wk86mnv0XqP6vj1-6CyXaOLTeCLvir&index=26A look at the making of the classic 1981 Disney film that saw the transition from Disney's Nine Old Men to t, 视频播放量 273、弹幕量 0、点赞数 4、投硬币枚数 0、收
The meaning of AMERICAN FOXHOUND is any of a breed of foxhounds developed in the U.S. that are smaller than the English foxhound but with longer ears and a short glossy coat usually of black, tan, and white.
The meaning of ENGLISH FOXHOUND is any of a breed of medium-sized foxhounds developed in England and characterized by a muscular body, bi- or tri-colored short coat, and lightly fringed tail.
Define fox-hunting. fox-hunting synonyms, fox-hunting pronunciation, fox-hunting translation, English dictionary definition of fox-hunting. n a sport in which hunters follow a pack of hounds in pursuit of a fox ˈfox-ˌhunter n Collins English Dictio
《狐狸与猎狗》(The Fox and the Hound)是一部探讨友谊与命运的经典动画电影,以其深刻的主题和感人的故事赢得了广泛赞誉。 一、故事背景与主要角色 《狐狸与猎狗》的故事背景设定在美国的乡村,主要讲述了小狐狸陶德和猎狗小铜之间的友情故事。陶德在母亲被猎人杀害后被一位老...
See Foxhound Hounded Fox's production, company, and contact information. Explore Foxhound Hounded Fox's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
Define English foxhound. English foxhound synonyms, English foxhound pronunciation, English foxhound translation, English dictionary definition of English foxhound. n. A dog of a medium-sized breed developed in England for hunting, having a smooth coat v
with Horse & Hound The Complete Source for Foxhunting Information & Entertainment Join RISK FREE for complete access! Subscribe Latest News Worst Timing for a Foxhunting Conviction in England November 16, 2024 New Threats to Riding to Hounds in the UK October 27, 2024 Virginia’s Right...