DPS和DP X2属于轻量级后胆,功能方面具有分段锁死,低速压缩和低速回弹调节三种功能。而performance版本只有锁死功能 DH x2和float x2仅有工厂版,都拥有高低速压缩回弹阻尼调节,4种可调,并且都拥有踩踏平台(注:踩踏平台类似于油路锁死,但是锁死力度远小于油路锁死,当踩踏平台打开时,会减少油路大小,增大阻尼来获得支...
后胆分为工厂版搭配Performance版本或Performance Elite版本。DH系列为弹簧,其余为空气。DPS和DP X2为轻量级后胆,具备分段锁死、低速压缩和低速回弹调节功能。Performance版本仅提供锁死功能。DH x2和float x2拥有高低速压缩回弹阻尼调节,4种可调,并具备踩踏平台功能。float x和DH x则具备回弹压缩分别...
IFP(Internal Float Piston/内置浮动活塞)在后避震阻尼系统中创造了一个分离于油路的高压气室。后避震压缩时,气室随同压缩,以容纳进入油室的阻尼杆的体积。同时其内部的气体为阻尼油施加压力,抵抗后避震压缩,并减少活塞运动时阻尼油空泡产生。 在后避震保养过程中,设定IFP是关键一步,而其主要体现在深度和压力。深度,...
FLOAT DPS (9mm shaft) Air Spring Volume Tuning Kit: PN803-00-802 FLOAT X (1/2in shaft) Air Spring Volume Tuning Kit: PN 803-00-827 The Video below shows basic instructions for installing or removing air volume spacers from FLOAT and FLOAT X based shocks. ...
FOX 后避震器调节说明书 TUNING GUIDE ridefox.com R E A R S H O C K
Fox has colour coded volume tokens for use with the Float X. The array of tokens makes finer tuning of the air volumes easier. Final Setup: Volume Tokens: 0.7 cubic inch (max. of 0.9 cubic inch) Air Pressure: 260 psi (max. of 350 psi) ...
The chubby waist immediately tell you that the new Float DPS / EVOL shock is a different beast to the previous Float CTD shock. Putting it simply, these new products are shit hot. Ride transformingly good. Like you’ve taken the trail to a dry cleaner and asked ‘excuse me, but can ...
FLOAT DPS EVOL and FLOAT DPX2 EVOL shocks have a maximum pressure of 350psi (24.1 bar)NOTE: Pressure measured at an ambient temperature of 70-75ËšF. Normal operating temperature range for FOX products is 20-140ËšF.Step 1 Sag should be set to 25 - 30% of total shock travel ...
FLOAT DPS EVOL and FLOAT DPX2 EVOL shocks have a maximum pressure of 350psi (24.1 bar)NOTE: Pressure measured at an ambient temperature of 70-75ËšF. Normal operating temperature range for FOX products is 20-140ËšF.Step 1 Sag should be set to 25 - 30% of total shock travel ...
Non-EVOLequipped FLOAT DPS shocks have a maximum pressure of 300psi (20.7 bar) EVOLequipped FLOAT DPS and DPX2 shocks have a maximum pressure of 350psi (24.1 bar) Step 1 Sag should be set to 25 - 30% of total shock travel To achieve the best performance from your FOX suspension, adj...