The Fox and the Hound 2: Jim Kammerud द्वारा निर्देशित. Reba McEntire, Patrick Swayze, Jonah Bobo, Harrison Fahn के साथ. Tod and Copper still go together like an itch and a scratch, but when Cop
Toby 站在 Red 面前以阻止 Amos 向他開槍,並拒絕走開。 阿莫斯放下槍,和托比一起離開。 瑞德和托比在他們分道揚鑣之前分享了最後一個微笑。 在家裡,特威德在狗休息時治療阿莫斯。 睡前,托比微笑著回憶起他第一次見到瑞德的那天。 在山上,維姬(維克斯) 加入了 Red,因為他們看不起 Red 的故居和 Toby 的家。
【狐狸與獵狗】(The Fox and the Hound)是迪士尼所推出的第24部經典動畫作品,當年是於1981年問世,堪稱是迪士尼動畫當中描寫友誼的經典代表作! 本片是改編自 Daniel P. Mannix 的同名著作,內容是敘述小狐狸 Tod 與小獵狗 Copper 自幼即結成最好的朋友,他們一同玩耍嘻鬧,過著無憂無慮的生活。但是當他們漸漸長大,...
👍🏻 I know a lot about Cold War era planes so tag me if you want me to review them sometime@TheReturningHound 4.6 years ago 16.7k DarthAbhinav @Veronica no problem! Thank you for the upvote and spotlight. +1 4.6 years ago 16.7k DarthAbhinav @BogdanX is right. Now that I...
As one of the later models following a long line of successful Soviet- manufactured aircraft, the Mig-31 Foxhound is an all-weather interceptor plane which entered service in Russia possibly as early as 1976. Touted as the forerunner to the MiG-23, Su-15, and the MiG-25, the Foxhound ...
Hot Hotel California Hound Dog Hound Dog House Of Love House Of The Rising Sun How Am I Supposed To Live With How Bizarre How Can I Help You To Say Good How Can We Be Lovers How Come How Long How Could An Angel Break My He How Deep Is The Ocean How Deep Is Your Love How Do ...
The Fox and the Hound: Ted Berman, Richard Rich, Art Stevens, David Hand, Wolfgang Reitherman द्वारा निर्देशित. Mickey Rooney, Kurt Russell, Pearl Bailey, Jack Albertson के साथ. टॉड
《狐狸与猎狗》是1981年7月10日上映的美国动画电影。该片是华特迪士尼第24部动画长片。由Ted Berman、Richard Rich和Art Stevens执导,米基·鲁尼和库尔特·拉塞尔等人担任主要配音。该片改编自丹尼尔·曼尼克斯于1967年创作的同名小说,讲述了狐狸托德和猎狗卡普的友谊随着时间的推移而慢慢转变的故事。剧情简介 一只名叫...