·终结者莉莉骑士的救赎免安装中文PC版 ·皇牌空战7未知空域免安装绿色中文版修改FOV方法 《辐射4》的FOV被锁定在70/80,可以通过以下方法进行调整 打开Fallout4.ini和Fallout4Prefs.ini(一般位于用户文件夹) 找到两个文件中的[Display]段落,并加入以下字串: fDefaultWorldFOV=90 fDefault1stPersonFOV=90 90是绝大...
Bethesda had previously said that Fallout 4 on PC would run at more than 60 FPS, but unfortunately that did not turn out to be true. The game is locked by default, and you'll need to open your Fallout4Pref.ini file (located at C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\) and ch...
你需要做如下修改 How to make Fallout 4 PC not feel like shit 让辐射4运行的好一些 Fix an otherwise amazing game. INIs are located in C:\Users\{YOUR NAME}\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\ 找到路径C:\Users\{YOUR NAME}\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\,(楼主的路径在D盘都忘了) Problem 1: Mouse ...
In the days just after release, Fallout 4 was a victim of too high a shadow distance. Performance would mysteriously take a huge hit in city locations, and it was because objects that were far off in the distance unnecessarily rendered shadows. Modifying this setting manually alleviated part of...
你需要做如下修改 How to make Fallout 4 PC not feel like shit 让辐射4运行的好一些 Fix an otherwise amazing game. INIs are located in C:\Users\{YOUR NAME}\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\ 找到路径C:\Users\{YOUR NAME}\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\,(楼主的路径在D盘都忘了) Problem 1: Mouse ...
鼠标加速问题可以通过以下方法来解决: 打开Fallout4.ini和Fallout4Prefs.ini(一般位于硬盘文件夹位置) 找到两个文件中的[Controls]段落,并加入以下字串: ... 分享21 无畏契约吧 飞飞飞啊⚡ 大佬们无畏契约这游戏不能调FOV吗,整得我晕3d了,快吐了大佬们无畏契约这游戏不能调FOV吗,整得我晕3d了,玩了两把快...
The gaming community has not been nearly as kind to Starfield as it was to previous Bethesda RPGs like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4. The base game's overreliance on procedural generation and lack of polish are to blame. If the former was your biggest problem, then you might...
32:9 UltraWide support for PC gamers Playing a game like Starfield on an UltraWide screen is a dream come true for any fan out there. But at launch, Starfield did not support that kind of monitor or TV screen. But now, Bethesda has decided to add native UltraWide monitor suppo...
7086: 打开fallout4.ini(位于c:\users\[你的用户名]\documents\mygames\fallout4\),在[display]下添加: fdefAultworldfov=xx fdefAult1stpersonfov=yy 再打开fallout4PRefs.ini(位于同一目录下),在[display]下添加: fdefAultworldfov=xx fdefAult1stpersonfov=yy 最后打开辐射4安装... Wengxiu邀请你来回答...
《辐射4》的FOV被锁定在70/80,可以通过以下方法进行调整: 打开Fallout4.ini和Fallout4Prefs.ini(一般位于硬盘文件夹位置) 找到两个文件中的[Display]段落,并同时加入以下字串: fDefaultWorldFOV=90 fDefault1stPersonFOV=90 90是绝大部分FPS游戏采用的FOV值,不过你可以按照自己的喜好来调整。 鼠标加速问题可以通过...