Correct: The recipe called for forty grams of sugar. 7 Incorrect: My grandmother is fourty-nine years old. Correct: My grandmother is forty-nine years old. 6 Incorrect: He thought there were fourty chairs in the room. Correct: He thought there were forty chairs in the room. 5Forty...
Common Mistake: "Fourty" is a common spelling mistake, likely due to the confusion with the word "four," which is the number before 40. However, adding "-ty" to "four" doesn't follow the correct spelling rules for English numbers. Usage: "Forty" can be used as both a noun and an ...
Don’t be too hard on yourself or others who add that extraneous u to forty. Its spelling is really not intuitive, and there are so many instances of fourty to be found that you could easily think it’s correct. Avoid being fooled by remembering that forty does not have a u.Your...
Q:Forty orfourty?用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說? A:The correct spelling is forty without u. 查看更多回答 "Fourty"有關的其他問題 Q:請教我fourty 的正確發音。 A:請到提問詳情頁確認 查看更多回答 Q:1. I'm one hundred andfourtyfive pounds. ...