Clyde gives Fourth of July history lessonDavid Hennigan
1Along about this time every year, as Independence Day approaches, I pull an old American flag out of a bottom drawer where it is folded away-folded in a square, I admit, not the regulation triangle. I’ve had it a long time and have always flown it outside on July 4. Here in Pa...
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1 Along about this time every year, as Independence Day approaches, I pull an old American flag out of a bottom drawer where it is folded away -folded in a square, I admit, not the regulation triangle. I’ve had it a long time and have always flown it outside on July 4.Here in...
Not only are the arts fun for kids, they help keep kids in school and working to learn. Not only do the arts require self-discipline, creativity, and confidence to succeed, but these and other important habits stay with students and help them succeed in other areas of school, life, and...
offamilyQAaboutourcitizenship.MywifeandIhavebeenawayfromtheUnitedStatesfornine years,andourchildrenareelevenandnine,soAmericanhistoryismostlysomethingtheyhave learned-orhaven’tlearned-fromtheirparents.July4isoneofthetimeswhentheAmericanin mefeelsatwingeofuneaseaboutthegreatlacunaeinourchildren’sunderstandingof...
My wife and I have been away from the United States for nine years, and our 21、children are eleven and nine, so American history is mostly something they have learned or havent learned from their parents. July 4 is one of the times when the American in me feels a twinge of unease ...