but when she starts losing weight, her mother won't buy her new clothes. Instead, she plans to send Elsie to boarding school. Suddenly everyone wants to help Elsie. Nothing's fair in fifth grade -- but sometimes things get better!
One of the items that I have noticed in what is termed 4th Grade Reading is that way many more pronouns are used in the text. If you teach your students the habit of following who or what are being referred to by the pronouns, their reading comprehension will improve much more easily....
Canton Academy 4 th Grade - Summer Reading Requirements 1. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, by Judy Blume This story is about Peter Hatcher, a fourth grader who has one big problem: his 3-year old brother Farley Drexel Hatcher, also known as Fudge. Two is a crowd when Peter and Fudge...
4th Grade Typing Sentences (D-23) This printable spelling activity will help students practice their typing and spelling skills by typing their spelling words into sentences. 4th Grade Flashcards Flashcards (D-23) This PDF has a set of flashcards with this week's words on them. 4th Grade...
4th Grade Dictation Sentences are now included in each week’s activity set:The teacher/parent will read each sentence aloud and the student will write each sentence on the provided worksheet. This helps ensure that students are making the connection between the spelling words and how they are ...
Free Essay: The student that I have been working with this year is a fourth-grade student, but reads at a second-grade level. When analyzing his writing...
Pencils, red pens, eraser caps or large eraser Tissues: 2 boxes Highlighters: 6 (2-Social Studies, 2-Language, 2-Reading) Glue Stick: 2 small (Math) 1" View-Binders, 3-ring: 3 (Social Studies, Reading, Language) Flat Pencil Bag: 1 (Social Studies--will go...
Printable worksheets for 4th grade, Unit 4 spelling. This page has printable worksheets, test pages, and a word list to use with unit D-4 in the STW spelling series.
Grade Level2 - 4 Guided Reading LevelO Page Count30 Related Items To add related items to your cart, check each of the items that you want in the list then click the "Add Selected to Cart" button at the bottom of the list.
By doing so, we were able to access the revealed preferences of fourth-grade students when choosing between the two for requesting face-to-face assistance in an online session doing math exercises. Within the first 10 min of each session, the teacher selected two or three tutors from a list...