Noting that enthusiasm for teaching has everything to do with attitude and a willingness to change and collaborate, this book discusses how an experienced teacher approaches teaching fourth-grade students in a school in Shaker Heights, Ohio. Topics covered include setting up the classroom, organizing...
Donna's fourth grade classroom looked typically traditional. Yet something seemed different that day when I entered it for the first time.My job was to make classroom visits and encourage implementing a training program focusing on language arts, ideas that would empower students to feel good ...
Vocabulary is an important component in the 4th grade curriculum, as students expand their word knowledge through a variety of text. By the end of the year, fourth graders should recognize figurative language, integrate knowledge and ideas, and read and comprehend informational text. In fourth ...
Despite the widespread use of multimodal pedagogies in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) contexts, empirical studies specifically focusing on the impact of hands-on learning on target vocabulary and procedural knowledge acquisition in CLIL
Reed raps about science, math, English and respect – and almost makes it look cool. He also mentions that it's his first year teaching and that he has a lot of new ideas he'd like to try, such as recording songs so students better remember what they learn. "I just wanted ...
This unit, the fourth one in your grade four journey, is all about building a solid foundation. Think of it as the sturdy base you need to build an amazing English skyscraper! It's focusing on some really important building blocks for your language skills. We're tal...
On the other hand, in previous RCT studies using the ConectaIdeas platform with low-SES fourth graders, we have found that the length of the responses to open-ended questions has a significant and positive effect on end-of-year learning in math (Araya and Diaz 2020). Research question: To...
d.A whole that is a combination of parts:a group of ideas that taken together constitute a unity. 2.Singleness or constancy of purpose or action; continuity:"In an army you need unity of purpose"(Emmeline Pankhurst). 3.One of the three principles of dramatic structure derived by French ...
Despite the growing recognition of the importance of multimodal input and digital virtual reality (VR) games in enhancing EFL learners’ productive language skills, a significant gap remains in empirical research examining their impact on multimodal outp
Roberts story, which is part of a special report---Transforming Ideas for Teaching and Learning: The Arts---is one of many stories that show how the arts can engage students who may lack interest in other classes. In Roberts case, his interest in the arts provided a sense of empowerment...