这里详细解读的是第一名的解决方案,详细参考地址为 Foursquare - Location Matching。 将候选者的生成和确定它们是否是同一个兴趣点分为四个独立的阶段。 第一阶段:创建候选集 第二阶段:特征工程和LightGBM 第三阶段:xlm-roberta-large 和 mdeberta-v3-base 和 Catboost 第四阶段:使用 xlm-roberta-large 进行后期...
There are cases where the locations have the same name but they are differentpoint_of_interest. These might happen when the business has multiple stores e.g. Starbucks. Therefore matching solely bynamemay result in false positives. Might be a case where differentidare wrongly assigned to the sa...
Exploratory Data Analysis: Foursquare Location Matching Contents 1.-Introduction 2.-Train-Test-Split 3.-Data-Manipulation-and-Pre-processing 4.-Modelling-and-Feature-Engineering Conclusion Introduction Point of Interest A point of interest (POI) is a specific point location that someone may find usef...
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from Foursquare - Location Matching
Use Foursquare's geospatial APIs and SDKs to add location-based recommendations and functionality to your apps, products and solutions.
Geocoding can be the hardest part about going open source - and reverse geocoding is even harder. Reverse geocoding reports the gazetteer place for a latitude and longitude map location or address string and is useful when source data needs to be normalized. This new polygon gazetteer data is ...
Geocoding can be the hardest part about going open source - and reverse geocoding is even harder. Reverse geocoding reports the gazetteer place for a latitude and longitude map location or address string and is useful when source data needs to be normalized. This new polygon gazetteer data is ...
Foursquare has tied notifications into website activity, rather than only notifying users of friend check-ins or opening up a new badge. Notifications include an alert when you are no longer Mayor of a location, and an alert when a Facebook friend joins Foursquare. Alerts will also appear ...
Use Foursquare's geospatial APIs and SDKs to add location-based recommendations and functionality to your apps, products and solutions.
https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/foursquare-location-matching/data From the above, we were almost certain that there was data overlap between train and test. Next, we experimented with the train merge described in the solution using online train data and found that LB did not increase. ...