", both Four and X can shape-shift, or change their physical appearance. Also, they can change the shape of other characters as well. Size manipulation: In "Return of the Rocket Ship", Four grows to an absurd size in response to Pillow's criticism. In "Take the Tower", Four grows ...
不擅长聊天+喜欢雷人的玩意叫我Cherry或者洛樱,副设叫洛包搬点图,视频什么的主推tree,four,pillow,golfball 关注77 默认收藏夹 1/371 创建者:断头战神 收藏 Four wants the Jiggle Jiggle Skin REMASTERED | TPOT/BFB 510播放 毒药终究还是蔓延到numberblock了[整活] 486播放 《卤蛋梦想家》 1.1万播放 1 ...