paradigms, and practices. Books covering topics like Test-Driven Development, Domain-Driven Design, object-oriented design, functional programming, or modeling different types of NoSQL databases, just to mention a few examples, would
Springer, ChamAkoka, J., Comyn-Wattiau, I., Prat, N.: A four V's design approach of NoSQL graph databases. In: de Cesare, S., Frank, U. (eds.) ER 2017. LNCS, vol. 10651, pp. 58-68. Springer, Cham (2017).
Several interviews throughout the book help make the points about the underlying development philosophy. For example, the section on NoSQL is followed by an interview with Álvaro Hernández Tortosa, who discusses the advantages of a multi-model approach in Postgres, where we have relational and ...
Neo4j storage engine until the server was rebooted and the space reclaimed with new nodes and relationships. That is no longer the case. As these mentioned and tagged relationships get deleted, they will be replaced with new relationships without the need of a restart in newer versions of Neo4j...
Our approach considers NoSQL graph databases. The approach is applied to the case of Neo4j database. Our main contribution is an MDA methodology that enables to tackle the four V's dimensions described above. It consists of two major steps: (i) a forward engineering approach based on MDA ...