Spa Suggestions Whether you are coming for an hour or an entire day, we want you to enjoy your Four Seasons Spa experience to the fullest. Read our recommendations for your visit. Monthly Specials Join us for a unique spa experience with monthly special treatments. ...
Four Seasons Spa1/0 Four Seasons SpaThe Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Singapore今日已闭园 明日10:00-22:00开放 实用攻略 190 Orchard Blvd, Singapore 248646暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问
爱企查为您提供四季汇 FOUR SEASONS SPA2023年企业商标信息查询,包括企业商标注册信息、商标logo,商标类别等企业商标信息查询,让您更轻松的了解四季汇 FOUR SEASONS SPA商标信息,查询更多关于四季汇 FOUR SEASONS SPA商标信息就到爱企查官网!
按摩护理系列让我们为您安排个性化的水疗体验。 +852 3196 8900 在线预订 四季式玉石疗法 这项精心设计的护理,灵感源自中国古老的刮痧手法,使用高温玉石进行全身按摩,有助舒缓肌肉僵硬和排出毒素。有治愈疗效的玉石,在遇热时会产生负离子,有助增强活力,令您神清气爽,活力充沛,让身心得到深层放松。 星期一至星期四...
Take in the Napa Valley vineyard views while enjoying a soak in the Spa Garden whirlpool, detox on our outdoor steam decks or relax in a steam room at Spa Talisa, Calistoga.
经典御品水疗灵隐路 5 号 +86 571 8829 8888 联系我们 四季繁花双人浴疗 一款专为情侣或双人设计的芳香套餐,阵阵花香让您陶醉在极致橙花与栀子花的幽香泡浴之中,随后大颗粒感的花草味磨砂深层洁净肌肤和带走身体的老化死皮,同时有效帮助滋养全身肌肤并恢复娇嫩幼滑。待一切冲洗完毕后,芳疗师将会施展的古法舒压...
herb, both gems from Portugal. The aromatic fermented herb massage oil is an exclusive blend developed for Four Seasons Macao particularly for this ritual. With each stroke, its grease-free characteristic leaves the mind, skin and body feeling light and refreshed after a 90-minute therapeutic ...
热疗与水疗护理蒸汽浴体验 以发热为原理的蒸汽浴,热力可加快循环系统的流动和人体的新陈代谢,从而通过皮肤排出废物。于蒸汽浴前后淋浴,将带来更好的体验。 30分钟 - 人民币 380 元 香薰浸浴 深层放松,排毒明焕,舒缓肌肉,明神焕发。 30 分钟 - 人民币 580 元 ...
The Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Macao continues to exemplify excellence in the spa industry, providing guests with an extraordinary retreat where they can rejuvenate their mind, body, and spirit. Through its commitment to exceptional service, luxurious treatments, and personalised therapies, the Spa set...