#FOURSEASONS 访问@fourseasons 和 #fourseasons,探索四海宾朋在四季酒店及度假酒店收获的难忘体验。 @jeremyaustiin @cherrielynn @mgtenazas @cherrielynn 四季故事 四季酒店一直致力于持续创新和稳步扩张,并一心一意地秉持着服务业的崇高标准。阅读我们的故事,了解四季酒店如何自 1961 年首次开业以来,不断推动酒店...
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Hotel and resort guests and patrons, Residence Club and Private Residence owners and prospective owners, renters and guests, Private Jet Experience travelers as well as participants in other Four Seasons journeys and experiences (collectively referred to as “Guests and Owners”); Travel agents and p...
在配备空调的多功能厅(有两间可选)举行富有成效的会议,然后在日落时分邀宾客来到细腻柔软的沙滩上啜饮鸡尾酒。精彩纷呈的团体活动和闲适惬意的海岛住所,令这个独一无二的会议目的地更加美好。 满足您的一切所需 海岛住所 在奢华的海岛别墅里,您的宾客可以享受赏心悦目的传统马尔代夫设计元素和精彩纷呈的室内外特色,...
首尔四季酒店 婚宴 酒店位于首尔市中心,距离风景如画的景福宫仅几个街区。酒店以现代格调,为您呈现尊贵品质及传统魅力,带您领略首尔久负盛名的浪漫气息。酒店提供美轮美奂的婚礼场地和个性化定制服务,大喜之日来临时,您只需与爱侣确定专属婚礼风格,剩下的所有细节都交由我们来为您实现。 我们经验丰富的团队可帮助您...
Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegaswelcomes the summer season with the completion of phase one of a luxury guest room and suite redesign, encompassing 409 of the property’s total 424 guest rooms and suites. Phase two will complete the 15 specialty suites and is set to debut late fall 2023. ...
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