In goat breeds, the domestication followed by artificial selection for economically important traits have shaped genetic variation within populations, leading to the fixation of specific alleles for specific traits. This led to the formation and evolutio
Theresultof thisstudysuggestedthatthefourtheoriesonnaturaIselectionunitcanco—exist . and sharecommonpremises. KeywordslndividuaIselection;Collectiveselection;Geneticselection;NeutraIthegn; MathematicaImodeI ’ SincetheproposalofNatural SelectionTheory,therehave b eenmanyconflictingtheories ontheunitofnaturaIs...
Natural selection of four sesame resistant cultivars against Cercospora leaf spot (CLS) disease (Cercospora sesami Zimm) in the Nigerian Southern and Northern Guinea Savannahs.Host plant ResistanceCercospora leaf spot(CLS) Northern Guinea savannah Southern...
Natural Selection,Ahead Four! 只看楼主收藏回复 地球联合帝国 正式会员 4 Natural Selection,Ahead Four! 送TA礼物 来自手机贴吧1楼2018-08-04 17:00回复 Cdex法典 初级粉丝 1 章北海…… 2楼2019-08-28 13:49 收起回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规...
hefoundedtheCenterfortheBiologyof NaturalSystemstostudy"thescienceofthetotal environment". •In1970hereceivedtheInternationalHumanistAward fromtheInternationalHumanistandEthicalUnion. •In1980,hefoundedtheCitizensPartytoserveasa vehicleforhisecologicalmessage. •HeranforPresidentoftheUnitedStatesinthe1980US ...
Design of Carrier tRNAs and Selection of Four-Base Codons for Efficient Incorporation of Various Nonnatural Amino Acids into Proteins in Spodoptera frugipe... Spodoptera frugiperda 21 (Sf21) insect cell-free protein synthesizing system was expanded to include nonnatural amino acids. Orthogonal tRNAs ...
Indigenous Iranian horse breeds were evolutionarily affected by natural and artificial selection in distinct phylogeographic clades, which shaped their genomes in several unique ways. The aims of this study were to evaluate the genetic diversity and geno
Historically, rainfall-runoff models have been developed based on physical processes. These models rely on the simplification of complex hydrological processes, which are highly nonlinear, and exhibit high spatial and temporal variability (ASCE, 2000, Khan and Valeo, 2016, Wijesekara et al., 2012)...
Multi-scale habitat selection and impacts of climate change on the distribution of four sympatric meso-carnivores using random forest algorithm Tahir Ali Rather, Sharad Kumar & Jamal Ahmad Khan Ecological Processes volume 9, Article number: 60 (2020) Cite this article 6430 Accesses 3 Altmetric ...
coarse-resolution global-scale models do not accurately simulate smaller-scale processes, such as inshore currents and mesoscale eddies in the Coral Sea or the Gulf of Carpentaria, which probably affect local surface temperatures and variations in nutrient upwelling in the GBR36,37. Upwelling on the...