Our interpretation suggests that synthetic data helped the model to capture basic Arabic phonemes and provided a good initial learning phase, which was crucial given the small size of the real dataset. Training Challenges with Fast Conformer The Fast Conformer model required a large number of epochs...
Master the correct pronunciation and intonation is an important link to improve English listening, to remember each phoneme pronounced and accurately. Whether reading or listening training, to a certain number of words as a foundation, otherwise, it will encounter many obstacles. (two) strengthen ...
phonemepronouncedandaccurately.Whetherreadingor listeningtraining,toacertainnumberofwordsasafoundation, otherwise,itwillencountermanyobstacles. (two)strengthenlisteningtraining; Makeasmalldialogueintheoutlineof your daily communication. Take the dialogue in front of each unit as a basic training. Make full...