When faced with the Four of Pentacles in a reading it can indicate a great success in your life but also calls for balance. Like the man on the card, there is wealth around you and it can be a time to protect your ideas, money, or other material aspects.
Four of Pentacles - 8th Card of the Suit of Pentacles from minor arcana tarot and represents the attachment to money and material things. Read more about The Four of Pentacles card and its meaning.
You have shut yourself because of the rejection before. Thus your closed arms show have cut yourself from the surrounding. Such a failure can be experienced in love too. Due to this, you may miss out on some excellent opportunities. Upright Four of Cups Card Prediction for Love The fear of...
While theWandswere running amok, theCupslost in love and blowing their money on partying and romancing, theSwordstying themselves up in knots, theFigurein theNine of Pentacleshas kept her feet firmly on the ground and steadily and quietlyarrived at her destination. Her crops (her hard work and...
Four of Wands Tarot Card Meaning –upright and reversed. Explore its meaning when it comes to emotions, love, career, and its 'yes or no' guidance.