Currently, economic downturns and population pressure may have some negative impacts on the global strategy for improving children’s nutritional status. Countries/territories in the low and low-middle SDI quintiles are disadvantaged in terms of social development and medical care. Food and nutritional ...
However, Rh-negative can also be found around the world, and occurs mostly among the Baskanians and around the Mediterranean. 1 The prevalence of Rh-negative people are as follows: Chinese and Japanese <1%, Indians 3-10%, Indonesians <0.5%, Baskanians 30%, Negroes 5%, and Europeans 17...
Social engagement - negative interactions can affect the user emotionally Information consumption - poor-quality replies or incorrect information may misinform the user Task completion - tasks can’t get done, and productivity is harmed, if the bot isn’t able to understand requests or functio...
Enlist any four possible reasons for infertility in human beings. Infertility: Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year (or longer) of unprotected intercourse. Because women's fertility declines progressively with age, some providers analyze and treat women aged 35 and up...
Two key issues arise when using this research design to explore bias caused by poor linkage quality. Firstly, the approach focusses only on false negative errors (records which incorrectly did not find a match) and does not consider the issue of false positive errors, an equally important type...
LGB individuals with depressive symptoms may overuse smartphones to obtain entertainment and online social support for relieving negative emotion. Depression may also compromise LGB individuals’ ability to control their smartphone use. Therefore, depressive symptoms can predict the severity of PSU. Because...
Many of the factors that compound the negative effects of ageing and dementia are exacerbated in prison, these are magnified further by the tensions and challenges of delivering effective healthcare while balancing concerns about risk and security (Prison and Probation Ombudsman, 2016). Older ...
Inequality can warm the way societies function (Wilkinson and Pickett, 2009) and have negative effects on life trajectories and opportunities. In this sense, growing inequality must be addressed both as a normative problem that challenges distributive justice, but also as a social, economic, and ...
Birds have narrow lung capillaries and higher breathing rates and spend considerable amount of time in open air. Hence, they are highly vulnerable to atmospheric particulate matter. Ground-level ozone and nitrogen oxides also lead to negative effects on avian lungs (e.g. inflammation and lung fail...
What are examples of ways in which success can be facilitated by the community for adolescents with addiction issues? Describe what contingency theories of leadership are and how they can be useful in organizations. Discuss the negative effects of charisma...