At present there are about forty-four million telephones in Japan,yet it is almost impossible for everyone to get a lucky telephone number.So these numbers have become commodities and can be sold as goods.The price can reach as high as 222 thousand Japanese yen 答案 日本人对电话号码所...
After observing that the interest rate on the Japanese Yen is much higher than the interest rate on the US dollar, a Japanese investor decides to borrow USD, converts to JPY to invest in a Japanese term deposit. On 1stApril 2021, the inv...
nuclear wastewater, equivalent to almost the water in 540 Olympic pools, will be released into the ocean off Japan’s northeast coast, at a maximum rate of 500 cubic meters per day. The whole process is expected to take 30 to 40 years and cost around eight trillion yen (55 billion USD)...
It belongs to the subfamily Bambusoideae, family Poaceae, comprising about 127 genera, with approximately 1680 species, covering around 25 million hectares in tropical, subtropical, and mild temperate regions of Africa, America, Asia and Oceania, but it is rarely found in Europe [1–5]. Bamboo ...
Table 2. Summaries of the cytochrome superfamilies that were identified in the Papaver leaves' tTranbslecri2p.toSmume mthaartiepsarotifcitphaetecyintotchhersoemcoensduapryermfaemtailbioeslittehbaitoswyenrteheidsiesnptaiftihedwaiyn. the Papaver leaves' transcriptome that participate in the secondary ...