Gillon R. Medical ethics: four principles plus attention to scope. Br Med J 1995;28(6974):261-2.Gillon R. Medical ethics: four principles plus attention to scope. BMJ 1995. 309 184–188.188Gillon R, `Medical ethics: Four principles plus attention to scope', vol. 14, no. 3, 1995,...
The research result shows that the four medical ethics principles are expressed in Le Huu Trac's medical ethics ideology, in which the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence tend to prevail over the principle of respect for autonomy. Keywords: Hai Thuong Lan Ong Le Huu Trac medical ethics...
This paper argues that the four prima facie principles-beneficence, non-maleficence, respect for autonomy and justice-afford a good and widely acceptable basis for 'doing good medical ethics'. It confronts objections that the approach is simplistic, incompatible with a virtue-based approach to medici...
The four principles of Beauchamp and Childress - autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice - have been extremely influential in the field of medical ethics, and are fundamental for understanding the current approach to ethical assessment in health care. This study tests whether these principle...
However, major guidelines do not include or recommend against the use of PRP for the treatment of knee OA3,5. The leukocyte-poor PRP (LP-PRP), a plasma preparation that has a high number of platelet cells with a low number of white blood cells, is an optional PRP for the treatment ...
One of the major challenges in cell-laden microgel bioprocessing is to design an effective method of cell encapsulation in the biomaterial carrier while retaining high cell viability and ensuring small enough particles for injectability. In this study we aim to compare four bioprocessing techniques for...
Although the major background factors of the respondents are similar to those of the Japanese population, the influence of the sampling method may not be negligible. In addition, our sample was limited to people aged 20–69 years because of the outbreak of COVID-19. We recognize it is ...
(1) The MRC score was used to assess the muscle strength of the six major muscle groups of the extremities. Each group is divided into six levels according to the Oxford muscle strength scale, with a total score of 0–60. Higher scores represent greater muscle strength. MRC is considered ...
This study was performed in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. The Institutional Ethics Committee of each participating center approved the study. Consent to participate Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study. Conflict of interest ...