However, England's chief nursing officer Chris Beasley recently highlighted what she believes are the core values of nursing, unwavering within ongoing management change (Department of Health (DH) 2006).Patient safety, care, respect and involvement are key concepts, as is the need for the nurse ...
For the patient, however, it is a different experience. This is a moment of stress. His mind races with thoughts of bad outcomes. His blood pressure rises and his muscles tense as he anticipates the needle. What takes the nurse less than five minutes feels much longer. Even though the p...
Reforms have brought different health structures and processes but, the challenge of addressing health inequalities and equivalency of provision remains (Royal College of Nursing, 2016; Mental Welfare Commission, 2022; Gilling McIntosh et al., 2023). Longer prison sentences and historical sentencing has...
The main improvement in dental health attitudes and behaviors in the dental students have been attributed to their incentive toward a dental career.30 Dental educators should take the responsibility to increase the undergraduate students’ awareness and knowledge of preventive measures including oral self...
When evaluating any alternative form of medicine, what are the four main points to be considered? a. ___ b. ___ c. ___ d. ___ Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Complementary and alternative medicine is a form of health-related inter...
The main disadvantage of the Chair method is the need for a chair. Finding an appropriate chair can be difficult in certain circumstances. Another drawback is the need for the patient to be conscious and alert. This method cannot be used in non-cooperative patients and in the presence of ...
Some people say language has the ability to bring closure and peace to both the living and the deceased. I Am Writing Blindly suggests that letters are able to assist with closure of a traumatic experience. “[T]he last occupants of the Warsaw Ghetto” used letters that contained “poems,th...
During this process, some concepts were collapsed together to create a parsimonious thematic structure. Each author then reviewed the themes independently to ensure there were no data that were at odds with our analysis and that no data remained unexplained. This stage of the process is analogous ...
Most data collectors were public health or social work graduates, and none had a clinical background (such as nursing, midwifery, medicine) to minimize bias. Workshops included: (1) an overview of the study and study design; (2) dissemination of results from qualitative formative research; (3...
The development of integrated care is a complex and long term process. Previous research shows that this development process can be characterised by four phases: the initiative and design phase; the experimental and execution phase; the expansion and mon