阿尔布雷希特·丢勒(Albrecht Durer)高清作品《The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Death, Famine, Pestilen》 作品名:The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Death, Famine, Pestilen 艺术家:阿尔布雷希特·丢勒 年代:1498 风格:北欧文艺复兴 类型:宗教绘画 介质:木刻 标签:寓言和符号,基督教,骑士和战士,天使和...
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The ride white, red, black, and pale horses, symbolizing, respectively, invasion, civil strife, scarcity and famine, and pestilence and death. [N.T.: Revelation 6:1-8] See:Horse Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary....
Related to Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse:Seven deadly sins Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse pl.n. In the book of Revelation, four horsemen that personify pestilence, war, famine, and death, sent as harbingers of the end of the world. Also calledFour Horsemen. ...
For those with a taste for Biblical allusions, we have been visited by the prophet Ezekiel's Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse-famine, war, death by beasts and, finally, plague. How did we get into this unsustainable state of affairs, and how can we get out of it? These four systems ...
移动端 扫描下载客户端 更多好电影 手机随时看 启示录四骑士(1962)5.1 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 1962-02-07(美国)|剧情战争|美国|2小时33分钟 文森特·明奈利 导演 格伦·福德 饰Julio D... 英格里德·图... 饰Marguer... 查尔斯·博耶 ...
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 释义 启示录中的四骑士
启示录4骑士 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse的海报 1932x2944 正式海报 1669x2500 正式海报 1560x2200 正式海报 法国 1406x1873 正式海报 法国 2340x3570 正式海报 1427x2922 正式海报 614x1274 正式海报 西班牙 1100x2859 正式海报 550x822 正式海报 667x1000 正式海报 580x880 正式海报...
第2章 CHAPTER I THE TRYST(2) Outside of the garden he could see also the same anxiety which was making those around him so fraternal and sociable. The venders of newspapers were passing through the boulevard crying the evening editions, their furious speed repeatedly slackened by the eager ...
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 生词本 启示录中的四骑士 网 络 天启四骑士;启示录中的四骑士 双语例句 1. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse were War, Plague, Famine and Death.圣经启示录中的四个牧马人是战争 、 瘟疫 、 饥荒和死亡....
“末日四骑士,又称天启四骑士(英语:Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse),出自《圣经新约》末篇《启示录》第6章,传统上和现代文学作品中将其解释为白马骑士-瘟疫、红马骑士-战争、黑马骑士-饥荒、灰马骑士(一说绿马骑士)-死亡,不过,对于白马骑士的解释略有争议,有神职人员和宗教学者认为其代表征服。现代则将四匹马骑...