亚洲四小龙(英语:Four Asian Tigers)是指自1970年代起经济迅速发展的四个位于东亚及东南亚的经济体:...
题主,你问的没有错的。我也一直很困惑为何four Asian tigers为何翻译四小龙。目前在查找资料,有空的...
“亚洲四小龙”一词的英文为“Four Asian Tigers”,这一称谓也引申出了“亚洲四小虎”,指的是泰国、马来西亚、菲律宾和印度尼西亚四个亚洲新兴国家。这些国家在经济上有一定的发展潜力。“亚洲四小龙”之所以被称作“四小龙”,是因为它们在经济上表现出的高速成长、高投资率、高出口导向和高教育水平等...
汪滔(中国科学技术大学外语系 合肥市 230026)摘要 广为人知的“亚洲四小龙”通常英译为“ four Asian tigers ”,究其原因是由于中西方文化的差异 ,“龙”与其在英文中对等的“ dragon”这两者的文化内涵迥然不同 ,本文对该译文提出质疑 ,认为“亚洲四小龙”还是应译为“ four Asian dragons”,并阐述了三条原因...
disappointing performance of sub-Saharan African countries that underwent structural adjustment [..] programmesin the 1980s and [..] 1990s without a strong domestic industrial base, and the rise of East Asian tigers that successfully combined state interventionism supporting industrialization [......
亚洲四小龙 Four Asian Tigers 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 (1)“龙”在中国文化中具有正面的含义,英语中看似对应的词dragon,其文化含义却偏贬义,无法贴切传达原文的积极形象。因此,译者充分认识到了双语词语在文化联想意义方面的差异,将“龙”灵活处理成了在英语文化中具有相当积极含义的“tiger”。
Four Asian Tigers, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan Province of China, Singapore and Hong Kong (China), have heavily invested in all levels of formal education and even outpaced OECD countries in human capital formation as measured by S&T enrolments in the tertiary education as a percentage of ...
Also known as the Asian Dragons, the countries that make up the Four Asian Tigers share common characteristics, including a sharp focus on exports, an educated populace, and high savings rates. The economies of the Four Tigers have proven resilient enough to withstand local crises such as theAs...