fountain pen 美 英 n.自来水笔 网络钢笔;金笔;墨水笔 复数:fountain pens 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 fountain.pen n. 1. 自来水笔a pen with a container that you fill with ink that flows to a nib 例句
fountain pen 美 英 na.自来水钢笔 网络自来水笔 复数:fountain pens 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 fountain-pen n. 1. 自来水笔a pen with a container that you fill with ink that flows to a nib 例句
英[ˈfauntin pen] 美[ˈfaʊntən pɛn] 释义 n. 钢笔 词态变化 复数:fountain pens; 实用场景例句 全部 钢笔 The form must use thefountain pentruthfully tofill in, the handwriting clear is neat. 表格均须用钢笔如实填写, 字迹清晰工整. ...
We are committed to providing affordable fountain pens and fountain pen accessories and first rate customer service. Check out our flex nib fountain pens!
“Fountain pen”的中文对应词为“钢笔”或“自来水笔”,两者均指代通过内部储墨系统供墨的书写工具,但使用场景和语义侧重略有差异。
The fountain-pen, which cost me a lot of money, leaks badly. 我花大了大价钱买的自来水笔漏水漏得很厉害。 2. We have incorporated into the design entirely new ideas in fountain-pen manufacture. 在钢笔的制造过程中,我们应用了设计上的新观念。 3. For most of us, love builds subtly over tim...
Fountain pen'对应的中文翻译为“钢笔”,特指依靠墨水流动实现书写的工具,其设计强调流畅性和书写体验。以下从定义、应用场景、术
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The Fountain Pen INDIA Community. Heaven for all Indian Fountain pen Lover. Fountain pens Made in INDIA. Affordable made in india
Fountain pen的笔尖通常含铱粒,与纸张接触时能产生弹性反馈,不同笔尖宽度(如EF/F/M/B)可呈现粗细变化的笔迹,适合表现书法笔锋。普通pen的书写效果相对单一:圆珠笔易出现断墨,中性笔线条均匀但缺乏表现力。此外,钢笔墨水干燥速度较慢,可能产生晕染,而油性墨水笔迹干燥更快。 维护...