Two estranged siblings join forces to seek the legendary Fountain of Youth. Using historical clues, they embark on an epic quest filled with adventure. If successful, the mythical fountain could grant them immortality. Director Guy Ritchie Writer James Vanderbilt Producers Ivan Atkinson | Ritchie...
Fountain of Youth: Regia di Guy Ritchie. Con Eiza González, Natalie Portman, Carmen Ejogo, John Krasinski. Due fratelli allontanati uniscono le forze per cercare la leggendaria Fonte della Giovinezza. Utilizzando indizi storici, si recano in un'epica ri
Exclusive: Laz Alonso (The Boys) has joined the cast of Fountain of Youth, Guy Ritchie’s new film for Apple, Deadline can reveal. He’ll star opposite the previously announced John Krasinski, Natalie Portman, Eiza Gonzalez and Domhnall Gleeson.Sources tell Deadline that Iag facilitated the...
Meaning of Fountain of youth from wikipedia - Look up Fountain of Youth in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. The Fountain of Youth is a mythical spring which supposedly restores the youth of anyone...- Fountain of Youth is an upcoming American heist adventure film directed by Guy Ritchie and ...
Ritchie has reportedly been working onFountain of Youthas his next project for a while, but according to Deadline, Hollywood's dual strikes put the film on the backburner. However, it seems that the wait is now over, with casting on the film apparently shifting into overdrive. The project...
Following the success of The Family Plan last month, Apple Original Films and Skydance are reteaming on another tentpole as Deadline is hearing John Krasinski and Natalie Portman are set to star in "Fountain of Youth" with Guy Ritchie directing...
Fountain of Youth: Directed by Guy Ritchie. With Eiza González, Natalie Portman, John Krasinski, Carmen Ejogo. Two estranged siblings join forces to seek the legendary Fountain of Youth. Using historical clues, they embark on an epic quest filled with a
The Fountain of Youth: Directed by Austin Parenti, Ryan Cavanagh. With Stephen Hedger, Kyle Manning, Sarah Rayburn, Antonio Zarro. A history teacher adventures across Florida to discover eternal waters and save his mother from a terminal disease, all whi