This Foundry VTT module provides an elevation canvas layer that lets the GM modify terrain elevation values for the scene. Elevation maps can be uploaded or downloaded for a scene. An optional auto-elevation setting adjusts token elevation when tokens are dragged or moved in the scene. ...
Default NPC frame /modules/vtta-tokenizer/img/default-frame-npc.png --- --- Directory for custom token frames *blank* [data] ddb-imports/mr-primate/frames --- Add a frame to the token when opened Enabled --- --- Player image upload directory *blank* [data] assets/tokens --- NPC ...
Upload a file to a specified file source and path. source: a string of typeFilePicker.activeSource(if running on the forge, useforgevttto target the assets storage). path: path to the target directory. file: aFileobject. options(optional): Ifsourceequalss3, this parameter is required. ...
wiki Differences between this and theripper93's player client Featuretheripper93omegarogue Back to server select button in setup screen ✔️ ✔️ Back to server select button in login screen ✔️ ️ ✔️ Back to server select...