git clone You can make pull requests to add or update macros here: Navigate to the directory where you wish to add your file Click on add file at the top Name your file with a ....
Token Action HUD is a repositionable HUD of actions for a selected token. Features Make rolls directly from the HUD instead of opening your character sheet. Use items from the HUD or right-click an item to open its sheet. Move the HUD and choose to expand the menus up or down. ...
Written in typescript wih the help of the fantastic League of Foundry Developers Foundry VTT Types. After a yarn install to get the dependencies, do yarn build to build the system and compile the compendium packs into a dist folder. For easy development make a softlink from foundrydata/Data...
This all-in-one package exclusive to Foundry VTT combines all of the artwork from the Pathfinder Bestiary, Bestiary 2, and Bestiary 3 for Pathfinder Second Edition into a single collection. Clockwork constructs, dangerous devils, deadly dragons, nightmarish niliths, ominous orcs, slithering serpent...
Updates to socketlib library Version 0.9.1 When not specified, all changes were made by @castanhocorreia, @HavlockV, and @snap01. Fix scene compendium migration errors Fix migration always triggering if modules are enabled Update to Italian loc...
The full D&D 5th Edition compendium for Foundry VTT. This module was designed to fill in the holes of the 5e SRD that's included with Foundry, including all of the official classes and their subclasses, spells, races, and so on. A special thanks goes to my friends that have helped get...
Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition for Foundry VTTUsage | Contributing | Licenses Overview.An implementation of the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition game system for Foundry Virtual Tabletop. This provides sheets and system in addition to some compendiums as examples.If...
A Foundry VTT module to handle locking and unlocking of doors and tokens Basic use: A GM can shift+right-click doors and loot containers (PF2e or Item Piles) to create a new key for them in the item sections. Every player that has a key in their inventory can lock or unlock matching...
FoundryVTT - Forien's Armoury This module is a collection of custom trappings and features for Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play 4th edition game system for Foundry Virtual Table Top Forien's Armoury started as a compendium of my own custom items and houserules and as the time went by, it got ... As GM go to theManage Modulesoptions menu in yourWorld Settingstab then enable theFoundry Community Macrosmodule. This module adds all of the community macros as a Compendium Packs calledFVTT Community Macros. ...