Explicitly set FoundryVTT v12 version of grid values, thanks to @Vicnasc #1564 Fix compendium filtering Fix db/2 calculation, thanks to @lozanoje #1601 Fix ranged weapons not adding DB/2 Preparing the system for upcoming premium content. Workaround for DsN 5.0.0 to 5.0.5 bonus dice, ...
A step is equal to the grid size (typically 5 feet). Hit ']' to decrease the elevation at the destination by one step.If you enable the Token Ruler in settings, dragging tokens will also display the ruler.If you enable Token Speed Highlighting in settings, token speed will be estimated...
The token base size in grid units is unaffected by this value, but the visual size of the artwork is relative to that size and will change with scale. Numbers greater than 1 result in larger token artwork while numbers less than 1 result in smaller token artwork. Mirror Image This option...
Light Radius (Grid Units, Dim and Bright) The distance in map grid units that both dim and bright light extends from the light source at the center. All newly created lights have these fields automatically filled in based on the overall radius size drawn, splitting the radius evenly between ...
Foundry VTT Module Repository Foundry modules that work across all or most systems are noted here. These may include reskins, general improvement mods, and more. To clone this repository, along with every module in it, use the following command: ...
SettingDefaultRecommendedComments Screen width 1 --- --- Gridsize 25 --- ---Loot Sheet NPC 5e v3.1.0Adds an NPC loot sheet. This information is stored separately from the token's main sheet, so you can place items in the inventory and give your players permission to view it upon the...
Fill by grid. Click a spot on the scene to set the elevation for that grid space. Fill by pixel. Paint elevation using a resizable circular brush. Press and hold the[or]key to decrease or increase the brush size, respectively. Hold the shift key while pressing to resize the brush faster...
densitynumberThe density of the effect. For most effects, it represents the number of particles per grid unit. alphanumberA factor between 0 and 1 that adjusts the opacity of the particles (this is called “Opacity” in the Particle Effects Management). ...
Brush tool Hotkeys for quickly changing brush size [ ] Rectangle & Ellipse tool Hold shift to force equal width & height while drawing Polygon Shape tool Click the orange handle to finish your drawing, or right click to cancel Grid tool Reveals any grid square you drag across, wor...