This FoundryVTT Module adds a simple compendium pack to help with DnD5e spells that summon creatures. It is nothing fancy. My players were casting find familiar and I tried to use the npc creatures that are in the DnD5e system and it wasn't working. So all I did was create actor/playe... As GM go to theManage Modulesoptions menu in yourWorld Settingstab then enable theFoundry Community Macrosmodule. This module adds all of the community macros as a Compendium Packs calledFVTT Community Macros. ...
This can be done in one of two ways: by importing actors from a compendium pack, or by importing actor data directly from an external JSON file. Importing from Compendium An actor can be imported from a compendium by either dragging the actor from the compendium into the Actors Directory, ...
Foundry Virtual Tabletop is a powerful application with a lot of features, so it can be overwhelming to a new game-master, even if you have previous experience using virtual tabletop software. This article provides a basic introduction to the layout of Foundry VTT and gives you all of the be...
Their legacy is yours to take - and the best place to do it is playing 3.5E SRD on Foundry VTT with your fiends! 3.5e SRD on FVTT About FVTT Automated and Flexible To make your adventures easier, 3.5E SRD implementation comes with compendiums full of data from SRD - so you dont have... As GM go to theManage Modulesoptions menu in yourWorld Settingstab then enable theFoundry Community Tablesmodule. This module adds all of the community tables as a Compendium Packs calledFVTT Community Tables. ...
Auto-create compendium of Styles/Forms Each stance in it's own tab Cleanup messy style code Implement Archetypes Make NPCs Make global object to handle stuff like, Cinematic Weight, etc. Chat message that allows you to apply damage to tokens selected How to Dev on this, or at least how I...
FoundryVTT - Forien's Armoury This module is a collection of custom trappings and features for Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play 4th edition game system for Foundry Virtual Table Top Forien's Armoury started as a compendium of my own custom items and houserules and as the time went by, it got ...
Updates to socketlib library Version 0.9.1 When not specified, all changes were made by @castanhocorreia, @HavlockV, and @snap01. Fix scene compendium migration errors Fix migration always triggering if modules are enabled Update to Italian loca...
Scene Trap tutorial : Trigger Happy also comes with journal entries in its compendiums that gives useful examples of trigger scenarios you can use. Rendering html of the trigger, event-link, effect From version 0.8.29 there is a ne...