If you are trying to test if port-forwarding is working by connecting to the 'internet' invitation link from your hosting computer, it will commonly fail as most routers do not provide support for this type of connection. Try using a smartphone through cellular data, instead. An example of ...
Fix negative values on setting health manually not working; Fix rolls for skill checks with value of 0%; Fix some Foundry warnings on console for deprecated stuff; For now, chases and vehicles are not accessible, as they are a work in progress; Massive code refactoring and data migration;...
I got something working by setting eureka.instance.hostname to ${vcap.application.application_uris[0]}. However I am not sure how robust of a solution this actually is, especially since I could have multiple routes bound to the application.ds...
If you push without specifying a path in the manifest or a -p parameter, the CLI will push the contents of your current working directory (we did this when we pushed our first-push app earlier in the course). It’s a bad idea to get into this habit, as unexpected things can happen ...
11. To allow forwarding of the task to another end user in the My Inbox app or using the Inbox API, see Inbox API for Cloud Foundry , select Allow Forward. Note • A forwarded user does not need to be a configured recipient. However, this user becomes one of the task recipients...
and the public port is 29571. First thing to do is port forwarding that will move the packages that the remote application server sends to186.201.35.89:29571right to your computer ( So, the IP/port combination we are going to use for the configuration of the remote appl...
Deploying on vagrant is highly scripted and so there should be very little to do to get a working system. Initial repo check out git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/SUSE/scf Building the system #Bring the vagrant box upvagrant up --provider X#Where X is libvirt | virtual...