Combined and opposed rolls timeout and deleted actor fixes; Now, system keeps the difficulty for shotgun at standard regardless of the range; Fix bug when armor value is more than half the amount of damage; Fix custom character sheet not working with inserted inline style tags; Fix draggin...
Auto open character sheets Enabled --- --- Sheet position Disable opening character sheet Top Left --- Open sheets: actor type filter All Only Unlinked --- Close sheets: actor type filter Unlinked Only --- --- Close sheets: combatant filter None Previous Combatant --- Popout actor sheets...
The settings view is propably behind the black screen But when you rotate the iPad to horizontal some parts of the settings windows might be visible. Which I move until I can click on popout Inside the 'poped out' settings window I move to the DsN settings and open the performance tab ...
System: An original system Why I Picked This Up: Another RPG zine that funded during Kickstarter’s zine quest, this book comes in at the same page count plus cover asDestination Unchartedabove, but its contents are unique. First, this zine is black and white and makes use of th...
Foundry modules that work within GURPS 4th Edition are noted here. These may include NPC compendiums that may be legally shared, world saves, character sheet mods, changes to roll tables, etc. This mod changes the foundry ruler label to print out the GURPS range modifier from the size speed...