If it still persists, create a new PF2e world with no modules enabled and try again. At this point you likely have enough information people in #pf2e on the discord channel might be able to help you. If it still persists and you feel confident in this, back up your world data, del...
A collection of tweaks and improvements for both quality of life and system improvement for the Foundry VTT Pathfinder 2E system. foundry-vttpf2e UpdatedFeb 22, 2022 TypeScript hacktoberfestfoundry-vttfoundryvtt UpdatedJan 8, 2023 TypeScript ...
我个人培养的FoundryVTT模块列表,这些模块可以很好地协同工作,而不会产生大量的UI选项或引起明显的FPS下降; 并非每个人都拥有一台新计算机。 他们共同为D&D 5e和Pathfinder 2e活动奠定了坚实的基础。 视频演练快速入门指南 -没有声音,播放自己的音乐:) 以下设置假设您已经下载了本指南中列出的所有模块,但是无法自动执...