” Lincoln said. To be sure, Clay had countenanced slavery. “Mr. Clay was the owner of slaves. Cast into life where slavery was already widely spread and deeply seated, he did not perceive, as I think no wise man has perceived, how it could be at onceeradicated, without producing a...
The moral outrage directed against people who do not exhibit the requisite degree of worry about it arises from the other direction: such people seem to value something else too much, something positive, and therefore something necessarily irrational. Only the fear of a violent death is truly rat...
and leave consequences to him who has the disposal of them.” He hoped that his contemporaries and posterity would understand. “The only exact testimony of a man is his actions, leaving the reader to pronounce on them his own judgment.” ...
“If AAA borrows a car to Cars International and they have a customer, it was simply take the car across the street and sell it, and then later on give the profit back or not,” Nasir Khattak, who ran the longstanding AAA dealership, testified in a lawsuit. “There was no documentation...
(reviewedhere) who explained that the prevailing view among white southerners of the mid-nineteenth century was that there was no contradiction between faith in liberty and the existence of slavery. In fact, white Southerners defined liberty as encompassing their right to own slaves. Economic ...
 History records few examples of a leader who so earnestly wanted to do the right thing, not just for himself, but for his country. Avoiding moral shortcuts, he consistently upheld such high ethical standards, that he seemed larger than any other figure on the political scene. ...