待分类 > 待分类 > 女性意识的构建——评美国女性主义批评理论奠基人伊莱恩·肖瓦尔特 Construction of Female Consciousness Some Comments on Elaine Showalter Who is the Founder of American Feminist Criticism Theory 打印 转格式 87阅读文档大小:366.71K4页vfhnmjk上传于2015-06-01格式:PDF...
Dependence of Said's notion of post-colonial counter-disciplinary on a certain historical consciousness that constitutes it as necessarily against the boundaries of disciplinary formation; Persistence of Said in imploring ethnic, feminist and postcolonial scholars to challenge the institutional biases favoring...
William Moulton Marston (1893 – 1947) is renowned as the creator of DISC theory, pioneering behavioral analysis. Yet, his intriguing life extends beyond DISC, featuring a tapestry of diverse accomplishments and unique experiences. Take a DISC Assessment ...
Florence Nightingale: The Evolution and Social Impact of Feminist Values in Nursing Although generally recognized as the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale has been criticized for her apparent lack of support of women's issues, including suffrage. This article examines the primary and supp...
Materialistconception of history is the core of Marxist philosophy. 唯物史观是马克思主义哲学的核心所在. 期刊摘选 The scientific method of Marx labor theory of value ismaterialistdialectics and historical materialism. 马克思劳动价值论的科学方法是唯物辩证法和历史唯物论. ...
女权主义的(Feminist)、女性的(Female)。”在 描述了女性文学三个阶段的发展之后,肖瓦尔特声 称,无论是在女人气、女权,还是女性阶段,女性 文学都不得不与把女性经历降为隶属地位的社会与 历史力量进行不懈的斗争。经过肖瓦尔特对于女性 文学传统的梳理与划分,女性文学呈现出一条清晰 的脉络,而且一些曾经非常重要,但...
Following an in-depth exploration of the gendered experience of entrepreneurship through the lenses of liberal feminist and social feminist theories, this study argues that female entrepreneurs are less likely to achieve positive exits through mergers and acquisitions (M&As) or initial public offerings ...