Kentenich’s case has particular parallels with one involving the founder of the Legion of Christ, the Rev. Marcial Macial. Maciel was repeatedly investigated by the Vatican starting in the 1950s but managed to regain favor in Rome. The Vatican eventually ordered him in 2006 to live a life ...
Donna’s heart is for true covenant relationships and divine alliances within the body of Christ that will reveal the kingdom of Heaven on earth. She desires to see sincere relationships that will reflect the depths of love that the Father has for the Son, that Jesus has for His bride, wa...
after the example of Blessed Chaminade, we may confess Jesus as your son, take up his work on earth, and trust his promise to sustain the Church. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your ...
Montanism, a schismatic movement founded by the prophet Montanus that arose in the Christian church in Phrygia, Asia Minor (modern Turkey), in the 2nd century. Subsequently it flourished in the West, principally in Carthage under the leadership of Tertul