Curriculum development Living spiritual praxis| Foundations for spiritual formation program development CLAREMONT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Frank RogersJr. KyleEric JWorking primarily with individuals, relationships, and communities, spiritual formators must seek to know how to engage with their constituents in ...
METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF YOUTH SPIRITUAL CULTURE IN THE CONDITIONS OF NEW UZBEKISTAN The transformation of cultural processes assumes that society is being renewed first of all. In particular, "during the time of the idea of "New Uzbekistan... U Safarov - 《Current Research Journal of Pedagog...
However, high ratings on measures of mystical and spiritual experience, as well as personal meaning during the session may be a better predictor of well-being but not of long-term improvement in depression. A 12-month follow-up on a clinical trial that showed rapid and sustained antidepressant...
a period lasting two to three years during the formation of a candidate to the Society of Jesus following his initial admission to the Society during the two years of novitiate 1st studies integrates intellectual and spiritual growth.After professing First Vows, a Jesuit moves into academic work ...
Evolution of Paleolithic Cosmology and Spiritual Consciousness, and the Temporal and Frontal Lobes Complex mortuary rituals and belief in the transmigration of the soul, of a world beyond the grave, has been a human characteristic for at least 100,000 ye... R Joseph - 《Journal of Cosmology》...
The two formal stages of training, the postulancy and the novitiate, prepared women for the spiritual, vocational and communal aspects of religious life. Novitiate training in church history, doctrine and theology as well as her formal vocational training indicated that the novice was meant to be...
the relationship holding between some of the major strata of the real being–which include the material, the organic, the psychic and the spiritual–is one of “overbuilding” (Uberbauung), where the lower entities are still the basis of the higher ones, but not as their material constituent...
Patients who prefer to pray or have religious or spiritual practices prior to meals should be allowed to practice these rituals. Give privacy as appropriate and requested. Home Health Aides/Personal Care Aides should offer foods that are appealing to their patient and allow them to choose the ...
Walvoord (2008) [32] highlighted the “educator’s role in engaging students in spiritual formation by helping students relate the course to their own spiritual and religious lives” [32] (p. 187). Again, the spiritual domain and sphere of educators’ lives and their praxis are not ...
The central premise of this article is that narrative literature from premodern India can give us insights into the ways that sovereignty was conceptualized within broader cosmological structures, creating what has been called “political theology” in o