"Legal Foundations for Entrepreneurs" is one of three courses in the "Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship Specialization" by Coursera and the University of Maryland. This specialization explores the critical legal and business issues entrepreneurs face as they build and launch a new venture. Learners exa...
This course is an introduction to motivation, leadership, communications, decision making, and leading people through effective management of human resources (HR), ethics, social responsibility, and managing consumer experiences in the hospitality indust
1.Plan: The business decideswhat kind of datait needs,how it will be managedthroughout its life cycle,who will be responsiblefor it, and theoptimal outcomes 2.Capture: data is collected from a variety ofdifferent sourcesand brought into the organization (outside resourcesor from acompany’s ...
1.Plan: The business decideswhat kind of datait needs,how it will be managedthroughout its life cycle,who will be responsiblefor it, and theoptimal outcomes 2.Capture: data is collected from a variety ofdifferent sourcesand brought into the organization (outside resourcesor from acompany’s ...
This course introduces foundational concepts in business information systems. It presents essential components of data systems, how data systems are used in business, and the roles and responsibilities of people who work within information systems.
Coursera University of Pennsylvania Management & Leadership Beginner 4 Weeks 1-4 Hours/Week 68.00 EUR/month English French Portuguese Korean Russian English Spanish Introduction to Corporate Finance (Coursera) This course provides a brief introduction to the fundamentals of finance, emphasiz...