and accretion onto magnetized objects.The most thorough and engaging survey of high-energy astrophysics available today, "Foundations of High-Energy Astrophysics" introduces the main physical processes relevant to the field in a rigorous yet accessible way, while paying careful attention to observational...
My active interest in astrophysics dates from 1961-62; I wrote some papers on the cosmic population of neutrinos and then began to write a book, Gravitation and Cosmology, which was eventually completed in 1971. Late in 1965 I began my work on current algebra and the application to the ...
[43–45], kinetics of interacting atoms and photons [46], particle kinetics in the presence of temperature gradients [47,48], particle systems in external conservative force fields [49], stellar distributions in astrophysics [50–53], quark-gluon plasma formation citeTewel, quantum hadrodynamics ...
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics, and Particle Physics (IMAPP), Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Klaas Landsman Corresponding author Correspondence to Klaas Landsman. Additional information Dedicated to Gerard ’t Hooft, on the 20th annivers...
Neutron stars are the densest known objects in the universe and an ideal laboratory for the strange physics of super-condensed matter. Theoretical studies in connection with recent observational data of isolated neutron stars, as well as binary neutron s