The meaning of REFOUND is past tense and past participle of refind. How to use refound in a sentence.
Some of its activities include bringing access to financial services, such as savings accounts and insurance, to people living in extreme poverty around the world, as well as funding improved sanitation, agricultural development, and other important initiatives in the developing world. Private Foundatio...
1680年代,來自foundation+-al(1)。相關詞彙:Foundationally。 廣告 foundation的趨勢 僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning offoundation 廣告 暗黑 自動 明亮 服務條款隱私政策Copyright © 2001 -2025Douglas Harper
The SAT: Multiple-Meaning Words, List 6 Context is king — that’s the lesson you need to internalize as you begin preparing for the vocabulary questions on the SAT. We have identified this pool of 200 words that cut across the disciplines and lend themselves well to context-dependent inte...
First, inEphesians 1:4, Paul writes that God “chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.” Note that the text does not say that we were chosen “to be” in Him (Christ), but rather that we were chosen “in Him.” This means that Jesus Christ is the primary elect one...
The Serpent's Hand seems primarily based in an anomalous location called the Wanderers' Library, a building accessed through portals found in many different parts of the world. Direct assaults on the Library have so far proven unfeasible, even when entrance could be found. However, initial intel...
We review the best foundations of all time, whether your skin is oily or dry, or you want lightweight or full coverage, these are the top-rated formulas.
The biological foundations of relevance, in turn, interlink that lifeworld with the "world of life" that includes us among other lifeforms. I analyze human relevance as an interplay of two tendencies, termed "closedness" and "openness," that underlies our production of "meaning" (Schutz). ...
Not only did she have to ignore the mechanical cacophony, she had to find twelve tiny needles in a haystack the size of the world.The haystack was the world. The needles, however, were pieces of herself, so she had something of an advantage....
Before Bayley lays out the list, he gives a brief history and several definitions of design; culminating to his conclusion that design gives life meaning. Bayley writes, “Le Corbusier declared that design is ‘intelligence made visible’. That’s certainly true, but intelligence can take many ...