在这个修改后的例子中,我们将组合逻辑转换为了时序逻辑,使用时钟边沿来触发信号更新,从而打破了Timing Loop。 添加约束:在某些情况下,可以通过添加时序约束来引导Vivado的综合和布局布线过程,以避免Timing Loop。 重新进行综合和时序分析: 在修改了设计或添加了约束之后,重新进行综合和时序分析,以验证问题是否得到解决。
(HDL Coder/Math Operations). Whenever I generate code and start the synthesis in Vivado, i receive critical warnings concerning timing loops (called "combinational loops" in the timing report). It appears that these are produced by the square root functions, as Vivado...
55248 - Vivado Timing and IP Constraints - Why do I get the following CRITICAL WARNING: [Vivado 12-259] No clocks specified, please specify clocks, for my IP, or why do I get CRITICAL WARNING: [Vivado 12-1387] No valid object(s) found for set_max_delay? Description Why do I ge...
When running a timing simulation from the Vivado GUI using ModelSim in Vivado 2013.1, it fails with the below errors: # ** Error: /work.simplestSim_tb_time_impl.v(28): Module 'GND' is not defined. # ** Error: /work.simplestSim_tb_time_impl.v(30): Module 'VCC' is not defined....
68266 - 2016.4 Vivado Timing/Speed Files - UltraScale - How to address skew violation between RIU_CLK and PLL_CLK on a BITSLICE_CONTROL found when running new speed files Description (Xilinx Answer 68169) for Kintex UltraScale FPGAs and Virtex UltraScale FPGAs details the new minimum producti...