当你在使用BibTeX进行LaTeX文档编译时,遇到“I found no \citation commands”这个错误,通常意味着BibTeX在处理你的文档时,没有找到任何\cite或类似的引用命令。以下是对这个问题的详细解答: 1. BibTeX中\citation命令的作用 在LaTeX文档中,\cite命令用于插入对参考文献的引用。当你使用\cite{key}时,LaTeX会在文档...
texlive编译devbranch后能够引出参考文献, 但是发现有如下warning: LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.LaTeX Warning: There were multiply-defined labels. 也许有关系. 此外, 搜索到了StackOverflow的相关问答, 大意是不会引用没有引用的索引. ...
Rename the file 'main.tex' to 'test.tex' (removes error for no bib file found) Change bibliography style to apalike. later on change to whatever you wish to after deleting the auxiliary files. (removes error for citation undefined)