Section 5 describes our proposed hardware accelerator for SHAKE and presents the performance improvements that it brings about in the reference FOTA system. Finally, Section 6 draws the conclusions of this work. List of Acronyms Acronym Meaning AUTOSAR AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture AXI Advanced ...
What are the different components of the backend server architecture of your Firmware over the Air solution? How does your solution ensure security of the Backend operations during the FOTA upgrade? How does the server keep a track of software image version? How can we revert the updated fir...
This research will present Fotamotive architecture, process flow chart, system components, vehicle cloud management, Fotanet (Firmware Over the Air Ad-Hoc Network), security solution to transfer update files over the air, solution to reduce the size of files being transmitted over the air, ...
N. Asokan, T. Nyman, N. Rattanavipanon, et al. ASSURED: Architecture for Secure Software Update of Realistic Embedded Devices[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2018, 37(11):2290-2300. A. Ghosal, S. Halder, M. Conti. STRIDE: Scalable and...
2016年,ISO/TC22道路车辆技术委员会成立SC32/WG11 Cybersecurity信息安全工作组,工作组由美国SAE和ISO联合成立(ISO/SAE/JWG Automotive Security),主要是制定代号为ISO-SAE 21434[3]的汽车信息安全国际标准。此标准主要从风险评估管理、产品开发、生产/运行/维护、流程审核等四个方面来保障汽车信息安全工程工作的开展...
[2] N. Asokan, T. Nyman, N. Rattanavipanon, et al. ASSURED: Architecture for Secure Software Update of Realistic Embedded Devices[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2018, 37(11):2290-2300. ...
(optional) • 180MHz Power Architecture™ ISA e200z4 Core (VLE) • Floating Point Unit • 8k-Instruction Cache, 4k-Data Cache • 16k Local i-RAM, 64k Local d- RAM • 180MHz Power Architecture™ ISA e200z4 Core (VLE) • Floating Point Unit & LSP(DSP) • 8k-...
In developing the Update Agent according to the FOTA-enabled devicearchitecturepreviously shown, there are two basic steps: porting the UPI into the specific platform and preparing the expected support logic that is normally provided by theOEMto complete the Update Agent. Thelinkbetween these two pi...