hai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd("Fosun Pharma" or "the Group"; Stock Code: 600196.SH, 02196.HK), a leading healthcare group inChina, announced its annual results for the year of 2020 ("the Reporting Period"), together with its 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report...
According to the annual report, the development of Fosun Pharma witnessed a growth in sales and a good cash return. The cash flows from operating activities of the Group continued to rise, and the net cash flow from operating activities in 2018 was RMB 2.95 billion, representing an increase o...
On March 30, 2016, Fosun Pharma released "2015 Fosun Pharma Corporate Social Responsibility Report" along with its annual report in A-shares. The report presented measures and progress of strategic management, economic responsibility, products and services quality, environmental protection, occupational h...
AnnualReport2010 A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 0 No.2EastFuxingRoad,Shanghai200010,P.R.China Tel:+862163325858Fax:+862163325028 Room808,ICBCTower,3GardenRoad,Central,HongKong Tel:+85225093228Fax:+85225099028 31stFloor,No.237NorthChaoyangRoad,ChaoyangDistrict,Beijing100020,P.R.China ...
Ai-Min Hui, President of Global R&D, and Chief Medical Officer of Fosun Pharmasaid: “Dosing the first Chinese subject with BNT162b1 marks a milestone of the global co-development program in China. We are closely working with BioNTech and regulatory ...
Fosun Pharma has the Artesun® (Artesunate for Injection), a proprietary innovative drug with full intellectual property, which has been recommended by WHO and has now become the international gold standard for the treatment of severe malaria. As of the end of 2022, over ...
GUILIN PHARMA WESTERN AFRICA CO., LIMITED is a Hong Kong company now renamed as Fosun Pharmaceutical Distribution Jiangsu co., Limited. This page displays the Chinese name, English name, registration number, business registration number, company status, change history, establishment date, name change...
healthcare as well as the medical aesthetic device fields, these strategic development focus will become Alman's excellent platform in Asia as well as in the World's business development. We do look forward to cooperating with Fosun Pharma's management team and benefit from their professional ...
Fosun Pharma has actively participated in the Chinese government's China Aid antimalaria project in Africa. The company also carried out various public welfare activities and international malaria research cooperation to help improve the local malaria control capacity in Africa. Fosun Pharma has been a...
According to the annual report, Fosun Pharma’s main business income reached RMB6.486 billion, a year-on-year increase of 42.37%. The sales of 9 of its major products in the above areas are over RMB100 million, including Atuomolan (Glutathione, GSH), Wansuping (Glimepiride Tablets), Wan...