Similar speaker drivers to Fostex FE206En Lowther PM2A8Ω 8″Full-range fS 45 Hz SD 210 cm² 30 - 20000 Hz QTS 0.21 xmax 1.0 mm SPL1W 98 dB Bl/√RE 4.03 Pmax 200 W Lowther DX48Ω 8″Full-range fS 45 Hz SD 210 cm² 30 - 22000 Hz QTS 0.22 xmax 1.0 mm SPL1W 98 dB ...
本箱采用Fostex FE206En高效率全频喇叭 此音箱外形优美、简洁(28x30x85cm连底座),做工精细,是客厅或房间内一份精美的艺术摆 设。售价:4350元/对。 箱体是我们按照喇叭原厂推荐的尺寸找国内大厂订做的,工艺非常优秀,声音也能达到 Fostex所设计的要求。
Fostex FE206En Double Bass-Reflex Speakers The finish is satin black stipple and the grills are held in place with four rare earth button magnets. Easy to pop on and off. The stipple effect was produced with a roller going over the fresh paint a number of times as it dried. The ...
选择了名气比较高的Fostex FE83En,3寸小全频。 音箱设计参考官方建议,较特别的是原本到相关是由四块木板围成,深5CM,我则是由4片木板开孔叠起来(1.2-1.5-1.2-1.2=5.1cm),开孔面积也与官方设计一样。 为了小小的尝试,花了不少力气开孔,下次还是乖乖的用木板围,图中较小的木板在箱体内,隔开两层共鸣腔,大...
The shape and material of the dampers have been reviewed for more linear amplitude characteristic than the current FE-En series. A low-loss gold-plated terminal with Faston 205 type connector has been adopted. SpeakerSize CMSize INCHOHMData Sheet FE103NV2 11 4 8 FE126NV2 12 5 8 ...
Magnetkreis des FE168EZ unterlegen zum FE166S; unterschiedliches Membran-Material; nicht kompatibel 151 Modell Produktion eingestellt im Jahr 48 FE164-8 Ohm 2002 47 FE164-4 Ohm 1986 46 FE163 1981 14 F205 1983 Austausch- Modell technische Kompatibilität Bemerkungen zu Austausch-Modellen...