Nevertheless, the Sunday school held at the village temples is another platform that brings the children and adults from both villages together, not only regularly but also during cultural celebrations. 4.2. Distribution of Land Resources Owned or Used by VTCS-Based Residents Catering to the ...
It’s never too early for children to enjoy the creative benefits of play. Even newborns respond to bouncing rhymes, gentle tickles, and peek-a-boo. As they grow to be toddlers, you can make funny faces together, share horsey rides, build with blocks, and play with puppets, stuffed anima...
id_portal=49&id_seccion=3276&id_contenido=13 307 MINEDUC. (2012). Serie: Evidencias. In C. d. E. Mineduc (Ed.), Hacia la medición del costo de una educación de calidad: resultados preliminares (p. 5). Retrieved from: ...
Second, we can incorporate students' ideas into our classroom routines and practices. For instance, we were putting away the sand blocks one day, and the children were placing the blocks into my bag as I held it out around the circle. A girl held her two sand blocks together in one hand...
The needs of children in care are a government priority, yet the evidence base for effective interventions to support the emotional wellbeing of children in care is lacking. Research suggests that supporting the carer-child relationship, by promoting the
This chapter discusses recent developments in Family Life Education (FLE) programs in Colombia. Although the term FLE is not commonly used in this country, there are programs oriented to enhance individuals’ and families’ well-being that derive from extrinsic and intrinsic family policies. Both go...